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Thank you for sharing your opinion on
Joe Biden's bid for re-election.

Do you ever wonder: How did we get here? Well, there used to be a time when Catholics voted as a block and formed the direction of this great nation.

The mainstream media celebrates Joe Biden as a Catholic, and the New York Times called him the "most religiously observant" president in 50 years.

Here at CatholicVote, we know the truth: Joe Biden, while being the most public Catholic in America, celebrates policies and principles that blatantly oppose Catholic doctrine.

Led by his example, countless Catholics in the U.S. will vote in opposition to their faith: they will vote to support killing innocent human life in the womb, the destruction of marriage and the family through LGBTQ causes, and the mutilation of small children who have fallen pray to the trans ideology.

The election is fast approaching. Catholics must fight to reclaim our faith and support a candidate who will truly champion our beliefs and our rights!

That's why, at CatholicVote, we're aggressively growing our media presence to change the narrative in this country. We’re working every day to hold accountable the most anti-Catholic presidential administration in our nation’s history.

We create new media, we fight for religious freedom... and we’re forming the next generation of politically engaged Catholics.

Why? Because we believe that you are the key to restoring our culture. CatholicVote has worked tirelessly and won significant battles so that you can live out your faith in daily life. That is true religious freedom. And that is how we will take back our country.


No matter what you can afford to give, your generosity will make a powerful impact on this fight. Most of our donors give under $20. Every dollar makes a difference — donate below now!

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  • Our weekly Champions Insider newsletter

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Whether you make a one-time or monthly donation, thank you for your generous support. 


You are directly responsible for everything we do as an organization, and we are proud to partner with you!


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