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Help fund our ad campaign by donating to CatholicVote today!

We need your urgent help to expose Kamala Harris's blatant bigotry against Catholics.


She is without question one of the most aggressively anti-Catholic career politicians in American history.

Her record speaks for itself — Donald Trump pointed it out perfectly:

" is doing GREAT work getting Voters to the Polls — All Catholics should join this incredible cause! Crazy Kamala Harris is anti-Catholic. She attacked a Judicial Nominee for being a member of the Highly Respected Knights of Columbus! There should NEVER be a Religious Test for serving our Country."


But Kamala Harris's anti-Catholicism doesn't stop there. She silences and punishes pro-lifers at every opportunity, promotes policies that trample upon our First Amendment liberties, and more.


If she wins this November, there will be no surprises when it comes to her determination to destroy our freedoms as Catholics and pro-life Americans.


That's why we're fighting back.


We just announced a major ad campaign to expose her record to Catholic voters in key swing states. It is critical that these voters know just how anti-Catholic Kamala truly is. We need your help to reach them.


Will you donate $10, $25, $50, $100 or more to help fund this massive ad campaign? 


Every dollar helps. No matter what you can afford to donate, please chip in immediately. 


The most important thing is time! Election Day is quickly approaching.


Please fill out the form below to make your donation.


Thank you for defending our faith in the face of Kamala Harris's anti-Catholic hatred.

Want to make a bigger impact? 

Join the CatholicVote Champions Club today with a monthly donation of $10 or more!

In thanks for your generosity, you’ll receive special Champions-only perks:


  • Our weekly Champions Insider newsletter

  • Special access to live and digital events

  • Sneak previews of new releases from CatholicVote

  • And special thank-you gifts each year

Whether you make a one-time or monthly donation, thank you for your generous support. 


You are directly responsible for everything we do as an organization, and we are proud to partner with you!


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